Food patrol on Thanksgiving Day
Food patrol on Thanksgiving Day 2020
The holiday of Thanksgiving is approaching, and what can you do best than enjoy the day with all your family gathered at home? Sounds great but you saw the stuffed turkey on the buffet in the kitchen? You may be in danger to look just like him after this celebration because probably some relatives prepared you a couple of delicious meal courses.
In order to keep our weight and not to feel heavy after the meal, we have to respect some rules that will make our Thanksgiving easier but yet delicious. We don’t have to forget that the true meaning of this holiday is to share the joy in a special way, using services as free Thanksgiving ecards on the internet or organizing Thanksgiving special activities, not eating until we drop. Let’s say that the consistent food it’s somehow inevitable. Your mother or grandmother certainly had prepared that huge stuffed turkey and they will persuade you to empty your plate. You can balance the consistent meals with an hour a day of aerobic or fitness.
The pumpkin pie is usually served at any Thanksgiving meal. Don’t panic about the calories you get, unless you take more than two big pieces. Also, avoid other desserts like cake or cookies. Don’t forget, not for a moment, that this day is about gratitude and feeling blessed to have a big, careful family, and to recognize the most important things of life.

Moreover, nobody will stop you from resting during this holiday. Enjoy the sports or the parade on TV, but don’t transform into a couch potato, eating peanuts and chips the entire day. Go for a walk, play with your kids, and help your mother or your wife to wash the dishes from dinner. The activity is the key to a healthy life and to a healthy mental state.