School Hall Pass Templates

School Hall Pass Templates

A school hall pass is a pass or token frequently used in American and Canadian public schools. These passes are prepared for students as authorization cards. Students use hall passes to get approval to be out of/her classroom while continuing lessons. These are commonly issued to students who need to spend some time in the restroom. Every school designed its own school hall pass. The school hall pass is designed to facilitate schools. These templates are specially designed to provide an outline to schools. The school hall pass template contains a sample logo and contents. You can edit them according to your needs.


Contents of School Hall Pass

The school hall pass template usually includes the following information:

Student name
Room number
Name of issuing teacher
Date and time
Teacher’s signature

Several school hall pass templates are available online but these templates can be a burden on your budget because they are not free of cost. The school hall pass template provided by our site is a ready-to-use example. We have also included a few designs below for you to edit and print out.



