Word search Sheets

There are two free versions of the word searches for each month. The primary word search has easier and less words and a larger print. The word direction only goes two or three ways. The intermediate word search has longer words, a smaller print and the word direction can go all ways.

The word search will be printed on the first page and the answer key will be printed on the second page.

There are four types of blank word search grids for the students to make their own. Two have larger boxes and two have smaller boxes.

Primary Word Search

Click on Select the month below that you would like to print. You can also click on the image, hold the mouse button down and choose an option from the pop up menu.

September – November Months

Intermediate Word Search

Select the month below that you would like to print. You can also click on the image, hold the mouse button down and choose an option from the pop up menu.

September – November Months

Blank Word Search Grids

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