Blog | teachers Resources Printable Tools and Resources for Teachers Thu, 30 Jan 2025 19:13:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ideas That Helped Homework Thu, 30 Jan 2025 19:13:54 +0000 Ideas That Helped Homework Homework is a splendid way to enhance skill, knowledge and aptitude to have a good command on the topic or the…

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Ideas That Helped Homework

Homework is a splendid way to enhance skill, knowledge and aptitude to have a good command on the topic or the piece of lecture that was taught in school. Students can use their own creativity and come up with different set of ideas to complete it. It not only encourages their thinking skills, problem solving aptitude and organizational skills but much more than that.

If you are looking for some highly innovative ideas to make you stand out of the crowd, following tips can be of great help:

template printable homework-tracker-form

Check them out

Do an intensive research not only when homework is provided to you but in your free time too for the topics you feel you are week in. Go through the search engines and find ways of doing project works and other assignments. Look at various sources and the ways any topic is taught with lively and bright examples. Jot them down on a separate place and refer them whenever required.

Whenever you feel the helplessness while doing your homework, do not hesitate to seek help of some experienced person. His proficiency, years of experience and knowledge might help you in various ways.

Ask as many questions in class as you can but remember the questions should be relevant, to the topic and not absurd. They will assist you in completing your questions at home.

Never procrastinate. It will only waste your time and never solve your issues.

Solve stress busters from additional books. It will boost your proficiency and you will have a good hand on your topic.

Sit on a comfy seat. Ensure that there is good ventilation in your room. Absence of adequate oxygen and light just creates drudgery and lethargy lengthening the time of assignments.

Always choose a place away from commotion. It will prevent distractions while increasing the speed of your studies. Keep a bottle of water with you.

Gather all the stationary and books that you might need at the time of studies as frequent leaving of study table prevents you to boost concentration. Keep all the reference books and class notes of that particular subject with you ready.

Play music if you find it supporting. It might keep the monotony away

Call your friend if you have a query but remember, the conversation should be short and crisp otherwise it will waste your time. Furthermore, stay away from gadgets like TV, Cell phone, internet etc. Take help of internet only for studies. Do not play useless videos. They are a sheer waste of time and energy. Time flies away as you turn them on.

Here are a few great print outs to help you with homework assignments

home work record template printable

template printable homework-tracker-form

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The 2020 Christmas is around the corner Sat, 07 Nov 2020 23:57:10 +0000 The 2020 Christmas is around the corner   Do you know who’s the guy who tries to steal Christmas every year? You’d better inform yourself…

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The 2020 Christmas is around the corner


Do you know who’s the guy who tries to steal Christmas every year? You’d better inform yourself since he might steal your warm free Christmas greetings that you want to send to friends and ask you for money in return!

He is a fictional character created by Dr. Seuss and he appeared for the first time in 1957, in his book for children named “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” The story tells us that he was living in an isolated cave near Whoville. Having a very small heart, he hated the Christmas celebration and made a plan to steal the Christmas gifts, dressing up himself in a Santa Claus suit.

It has a pronounced anti-Christmas attitude and he makes references to greedy and unfriendly people at Christmas time. Although he wasn’t at all the most lovable character of a Christmas tale, he gained enough popularity to be seen nowadays everywhere, from Christmas ornaments to costumes, with his green skin and a large grin. In 1966, the story was adapted into a popular animated television show.

I bet you don’t want to be stolen from you any second of Christmas, so you’d better keep yourself entertained and willing to spend this celebration in the best way.


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Merry Christmas, at the right time Sat, 07 Nov 2020 23:52:52 +0000 Merry Christmas, at the Right Time   The magic of Christmas celebration can’t happen but during Christmas time. Christmas Eve is the point when the…

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Merry Christmas, at the Right Time


The magic of Christmas celebration can’t happen but during Christmas time. Christmas Eve is the point when the whole magic starts and it ends after the second day of Christmas or a day after. However, most people tend to start celebrating, decorating, and singing carols at least two weeks before Christmas.

I wonder why is this happening every year? Why do people feel to get into the mood of Christmas way before the actual celebration begin? The commercials, various products on the market, and crafts suddenly gain a little Santa Claus or reindeer in the background, even though is only the beginning of December.

I prefer to wait until Christmas Eve or a day before, to start thinking of Christmas tree, free Christmas greetings, and carols. If I would start two weeks before, I would lose some enthusiasm when the real-time of celebrating comes.

I want to decorate the tree only on 24th and not listening to Christmas music on the radio while the spirit of Thanksgiving turkey is still amongst us.

Have a Merry Christmas, at the right time!

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A special Thanksgiving Day Sat, 07 Nov 2020 23:32:28 +0000 A special Thanksgiving Day   Thanksgiving celebration has always been a day for everyone to feel grateful for all the good things they have in…

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A special Thanksgiving Day


Thanksgiving celebration has always been a day for everyone to feel grateful for all the good things they have in life. But I think we understand this concept of gratitude better than our children.


How sure we are that our kids know why we organize a big dinner, what’s the reason for inviting the relatives and sending classic or funny Thanksgiving cards? That’s why it would be a good idea to come up with some activities that will make them a clearer image of the true significance of Thanksgiving Day.

First of all, the famous cornucopia is the most important symbol of prosperity and abundance, things that are linked with the Thanksgiving celebration history. A normal search on the internet will lead to some arts and crafts websites that can teach you in easy steps how to build a cornucopia. Encourage your children to make this project and help them if they need it. As your children make the cornucopia you can teach them about being grateful for the things they have instead of always focusing on the ones that don’t have. This is a great way of spending Thanksgiving Day: with fun work and imagination.

The second project you can start for Thanksgiving, with the children and other family members is a “gratitude jar”. Every jar can be used but personally, I recommend one with original drawings or an interesting shape. A few days before the Thanksgiving dinner, each family member will have to write down on a piece of paper a certain thing they are grateful for. At the family reunion, you can read these notes. It’s interesting to find out this way what your children are grateful for.

Have a special Thanksgiving Day!

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Thanksgiving Day! Sat, 07 Nov 2020 23:30:34 +0000 Thanksgiving Day!   Thanksgiving Day is expected with a lot of joy by most people. After an entire year, the feast and family stories return…

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Thanksgiving Day!


Thanksgiving Day is expected with a lot of joy by most people. After an entire year, the feast and family stories return to our homes. We feel like we would like to show some appreciation and respect for families and friends because we certainly didn’t stay beside them the whole past year. There are a lot of ways you can show people you love that their presence in your life is what you need most.

We like to make presents, but Thanksgiving is not about presents, it’s more about gratitude. The gratitude can be expressed in many different ways, and an inspiring message can bring a smile to the face of all our relatives. For a message that will certainly impress the person who will receive it, I recommend the Thanksgiving ecards. It’s easy to send them and to receive them because today everyone has internet access, even the old people. In fact, there are a lot of electronic cards for Thanksgiving Day, specially made for those who prefer classic song themes and endearing messages.

It is easy to find these types of cards because there are a lot of websites that host them and wait for you to explore them. You can also choose the classic paper cards but they don’t sing a nice, cheerful melody at their opening and certainly don’t have such beautiful animations.

The electronic card it’s like a short viral movie that can spread infinite joy at Thanksgiving. Because we have to be thankful to our relatives and our friends. We have to express this gratitude in an original way and they have to remember it the whole year, especially when we will be far away from them.


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Food patrol on Thanksgiving Day Sat, 07 Nov 2020 23:29:12 +0000 Food patrol on Thanksgiving Day 2020 The holiday of Thanksgiving is approaching, and what can you do best than enjoy the day with all your…

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Food patrol on Thanksgiving Day 2020

The holiday of Thanksgiving is approaching, and what can you do best than enjoy the day with all your family gathered at home? Sounds great but you saw the stuffed turkey on the buffet in the kitchen? You may be in danger to look just like him after this celebration because probably some relatives prepared you a couple of delicious meal courses.

In order to keep our weight and not to feel heavy after the meal, we have to respect some rules that will make our Thanksgiving easier but yet delicious. We don’t have to forget that the true meaning of this holiday is to share the joy in a special way, using services as free Thanksgiving ecards on the internet or organizing Thanksgiving special activities, not eating until we drop. Let’s say that the consistent food it’s somehow inevitable. Your mother or grandmother certainly had prepared that huge stuffed turkey and they will persuade you to empty your plate. You can balance the consistent meals with an hour a day of aerobic or fitness.

The pumpkin pie is usually served at any Thanksgiving meal. Don’t panic about the calories you get, unless you take more than two big pieces. Also, avoid other desserts like cake or cookies. Don’t forget, not for a moment, that this day is about gratitude and feeling blessed to have a big, careful family, and to recognize the most important things of life.

Thanksgiving Day background. Vector illustration. Thanksgiving day on a white background with autumn leaves

Moreover, nobody will stop you from resting during this holiday. Enjoy the sports or the parade on TV, but don’t transform into a couch potato, eating peanuts and chips the entire day. Go for a walk, play with your kids, and help your mother or your wife to wash the dishes from dinner. The activity is the key to a healthy life and to a healthy mental state.

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Have a delicious Thanksgiving in 2020 Sat, 07 Nov 2020 23:26:53 +0000 Have a delicious Thanksgiving in 2020   Thanksgiving Day preparations could be pretty fun if you have the right attitude. Besides organizing and meal planning,…

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Have a delicious Thanksgiving in 2020


Thanksgiving Day preparations could be pretty fun if you have the right attitude. Besides organizing and meal planning, there are more relaxing things that should be remembered for keeping your mood and feeling good all day. For example, you can send some free Thanksgiving cards to your relatives, reminding them that you will host the most expected meal of the year.

Meal preparation for Thanksgiving is not a game. It requires some dedication and energy but with good time management, everyone should be able to organize a fine table. The shopping list is very important. Writing down the ingredients for the meal is the first step everyone should take. You may know that stores close on Thanksgiving Day, like any other holiday, and when you buy groceries, you should take a little bit more than you need from any product. The time you go shopping is also important: a few days before the big event is recommended. This way you avoid the rush of Thanksgiving Eve and you will feel more relaxed. Make room in your fridge and your freezer for the new products. You don’t want to let them out in the yard, hoping they will stay fresh.

If you are a sleeping fan and still want to prepare the Thanksgiving meal, you have to make a tough decision. The turkey needs time and effort to be prepared and usually, people start to cook it in the morning. This way it will be done until your guests arrive.

Other dishes can be prepared one or two days ahead. Take your time, study the recipes, and add every ingredient that makes a certain dish tasteful. And don’t forget dessert! Everyone enjoys cake or some delicious homemade cookies.

Have a delicious Thanksgiving!

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Christmas presents for 2020 Mon, 02 Nov 2020 05:15:39 +0000 Christmas presents for 2020   How many ideas can fit into an original Christmas present? We all know the recipes: for children, we visit toy…

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Christmas presents for 2020


How many ideas can fit into an original Christmas present? We all know the recipes: for children, we visit toy stores, for teenagers we pick fancy clothes or music albums, for adults, we choose sports articles and other hobby related products and for old people, there are paintings, different household items and special gifts that remind of good old times. There are also gifts anybody could receive, such as greeting cards.

For instance, many websites offer free Christmas ecards. This is a good option besides the main present since today even the old people navigate on the web.

Not only children are getting excited when it comes to Christmas presents. Most adults remain children forever and it’s rather cute to see them smiling and eagerly opening their presents. It’s said that the custom of gift exchange on Christmas day has influences from Saturnalia, an ancient Roman festival that happened every year, in late December. The last day of the festival was called Sigillaria and that was the day of the present exchange. At that time, the gifts were a symbol of a powerful social status.

Another tradition is associated with Santa Claus and is related to the Christian religion. The old man that enters our home every 24th of December and let under the Christmas tree a lot of goodies has an entire tradition behind. The legend says that the day when Jesus was born by the Virgin Mary, the 3 Kings offered him gold, frankincense, and myrrh. I believe that is the most beautiful story that could be told at Christmas to a child.

However, the present exchange is a beautiful moment at any Christmas and we are lucky to give and to receive each year such beautiful and unforgettable gifts.

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A sneak-peek into sending Thanksgiving Cards Sun, 01 Nov 2020 02:26:49 +0000 A sneak-peek into sending Thanksgiving Cards in 2020   Many Thanksgiving cards are available in stores, of course, but there are also some really great…

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A sneak-peek into sending Thanksgiving Cards in 2020


Many Thanksgiving cards are available in stores, of course, but there are also some really great electronic Thanksgiving cards available on the internet nowadays. Some of them have to be purchased, but lots of them are offered free of any charge. They can be sent by email in most cases, but some websites also allow users to print the Thanksgiving cards or share them on various social networks.

The Thanksgiving cards are not the only types of electronic greeting cards available, of course. Almost any possible holiday in this world has its category of electronic greeting cards on the websites, and their design is so diverse, that it’s almost impossible for someone not to find something fit to his or her preferences.

My Favorite!!

As far as Thanksgiving cards are concerned, just like any other electronic card, they are really entertaining, especially because they allow multimedia content, such as sounds, pictures, or videos, and some of them are also animated. So don’t think twice when wanting to send some really great Thanksgiving cards to everyone around you.

Use our cards free:


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