resouces | teachers Resources Printable Tools and Resources for Teachers Mon, 06 Mar 2023 20:11:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Class Attendance Trackers Thu, 09 Mar 2023 10:42:28 +0000 Class attendance tracker/ sheet is a part and parcel of attendance record that is the most important thing of an educational institution. There are a…

The post Class Attendance Trackers first appeared on teachers Resources.]]>
Class attendance tracker/ sheet is a part and parcel of attendance record that is the most important thing of an educational institution. There are a number of occasions when the importance is felt by the responsible people of this obligation. For example, sometime an untoward incident occurs when the administration want to know the location of the students. It is often seen that law enforcement agencies need to know about a student whether he was present in the educational institution or not at particular time. It is, therefore, kept in mind the importance of maintaining class attendance sheet and it should be put in a very safe place.

Formatting the Sheet is important:

Class Attendance Tracker

The method of maintaining of attendance sheet is different according to need of the hour and the particular need of the concerned ones. So they collect the attendance sheets according to their requirement. For example, if you are bound to send your attendance sheet to the office on daily basis, you may give this responsibility to a student on weekly basis to do this without the knowledge of others. It may be the situation that you have to post the attendance sheet for someone and it is collected from your classroom, it is your foremost obligation that the process is performed in a befitting manner.

It has been observed that a number of students do not want to attend class and give different reasons for this. Some of them say that there are people who never attend class but get grade. There are examples like these but it is not recommended to follow this example. The students whose examples are quoted are not large in number. Secondly they are self-motivated learners who study on their own for a lot of time. The studies on this topic show that it is necessary to attend class for higher grade. Many an institution includes attendance as well as class participation in your final grade. So you should keep this in mind while missing the chance of having your name in class attendance sheet as a present student.

sheet-teacher-Class Attendance Tracker

monthly-attendance-tracker_pdf-teacher file zip 2023

As far as class attendance sheet is concerned, there are a number of attendance forms that are found on the Internet and you can download free of charge. These are not only for class attendance but also for other proposes like employee attendance etc. These forms have different features and patterns for tracking and recording. These record forms are available not only in the form of Excel and Open Office but also in Google Spreadsheet.

Mostly class sheet attendance is created on weekly and monthly basis for purpose of monitoring. If the class attendance sheet is formed for weekly basis, a date can be entered in the field of week for reference. The teacher name, room number and course are written at top of the filling up. The name of student and names of days of the week are entered in the table properly.

The entry of marking and symbols will be according to need of leader or the concerned teacher. When class attendance sheet is created on monthly basis, the month, year and dates are entered in column for reference. In the same way, the symbols are selected according to example of form downloaded from the Internet. There are also forms available that have more features and outlines.

The post Class Attendance Trackers first appeared on teachers Resources.]]>