School Star of the Week Certificate Lots of important documents are used by schools to serve several purposes. Star of the week certificate is one…
School Hall Pass Templates A school hall pass is a pass or token frequently used in American and Canadian public schools. These passes are prepared…
Numeral Snap Memory Matching Game 3 Games in 1 This game includes 20 A5 full-color numeral cards. Each pair of numerals is a different color…
Simple Preschool Stop/Go Boardgame This gorgeous first boardgame highlights the opposites of stop and go. Great to include in a Transport theme or as…
Preschool Class Labels This set includes 26 A5 full-color labels to put up around the Preschool learning environment. Assisting children with early reading skills and…
The Parent Pack – Home Learning Resources Teachers – Lend this pack to parents of children who could do with some extra help at…
Six Thinking Hats – Class Display Edward de Bono designed the Six Thinking Hats as a tool to assist in the decision making process.…
Alphabet Song Chart 26 A4 Full-Color Cards This gorgeous Alphabet song was a favorite of my kindergarten/reception children. The pictures are full-color, just gorgeous,…
Rainbow Word Wall Climb Games Set of Five For learning and revision of high-frequency words The ‘Rainbow Word Wall Climb Games, One to Five’…
The 2020 Christmas is around the corner Do you know who’s the guy who tries to steal Christmas every year? You’d better inform yourself…